
Nafn og ættbókanúmer hunds: Stjörnusteins Esju Birta IS26969/19

2,5 years old. Nice female on the smaller size. Could be a bit higher up on her legs. nice prop. Very nice head, lovely exp. in her beautiful well shaped dark brown eyes. has effected teeth certificate. bit short neck. ex. ribcage. strong hock. could be stronger in her back. good enough tail. good coat. balanced angles and moves well.

Dagseting: 6.3.2022

Dómari: Maritha Östlund-Holmsten

Einkunn: Sæti HV ME BR/BT MS Cacib V-Cacib Nuk V-Nuk BÖT BOB BOS TH BIS

Prenta  Loka