
Nafn og ættbókanúmer hunds: Klettavíkur Dr. Kata IS21767/16

2 years old. On the taller side. The head type is lacking distinctive breed features as there is a broad skull and strong muzzle. Her neck should be stronger, as well ans the top line. Her tail set is low and not otter tail. Angulation is straight in front and rear. She is very very light boned. The rib cage should be deeper and stronger. Moves with enough reach and drive. Very soft and sweet temperament. Nicely presented.

Dagseting: 14.7.2018

Dómari: Claudia Berchtold

Einkunn: Sæti HV ME BR/BT MS Cacib V-Cacib Nuk V-Nuk BÖT BOB BOS TH BIS

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