
Nafn og ættbókanúmer hunds: Stekkjardals Good Days Of Summer IS22438/16

11.5 months young boy of corr size and prop. Ex cond for age quite matured. Head in dev. Little bit narrow in muzzle and needs more maturity. Little skinny in hips. Strong neck. Ex front. Ex angul behind. Good bone and feet. Good body. Little bit low tailset. Very expr. mover, but need more training. He is too happy. Ex coat.

Dagseting: 15.7.2017

Dómari: Olga Teslenko

Einkunn: Sæti HV ME BR/BT MS Cacib V-Cacib Nuk V-Nuk BÖT BOB BOS TH BIS
Ex 1

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