
Nafn og ættbókanúmer hunds: Kola IS17088/12

5 years old. Real working type. Feminine str bitch of nice condition. Sporty condition. Feminine head, would like stronger muzzle. Eleg neck. Suff bone. Str. upper arm. Good hind quarters. Short tail, due to accident. Would like better cat feet. Strong topline. Moves with drive, wide steps, loose in elbow. Parallel behind. Coat is ok. Ex temp.

Dagseting: 15.7.2017

Dómari: Olga Teslenko

Einkunn: Sæti HV ME BR/BT MS Cacib V-Cacib Nuk V-Nuk BÖT BOB BOS TH BIS
Ex 2

Prenta  Loka