Veiðipróf fyrir sækjandi veiðihunda.


Nafn og ættbókanúmer hunds: Valkyrjunnar Ynjan Skaði IS29968/21

Metnir eiginleikar

Frjáls leit: Variable tendency to hunt with game in month on one occatsion and poops.

Hraði og úthald: variable 

Nef: used well

Fjarlægðarstjórnun: should be more distinct

Staðsetningareiginleiki: good

Skotstöðugleiki: steady

Sóknarvilji: variable

Meðferð á bráð: The dog has the tendincy to loose grip and also on one occasion drops the game and walks away before the handler interferes and gets teh dog to pick up.

Vatnavinna: good 

Samstarfsvilji: shoulld be more distinct when handler interferes

Hælganga: need to be improved


A dog that brings in all game on today´s test. Several fauls as described above. Prize can not be given today.

Einkunn: 0
Heiðursverðlaun: Nei

Dagseting: 20.8.2023

Dómari: Morten Egberg

Prenta  Loka