Veiðipróf fyrir sækjandi veiðihunda.


Nafn og ættbókanúmer hunds: Brekkubyggðar Brandur IS33355/22

Metnir eiginleikar

Frjáls leit: Goes big and strong. Swap the first bird on the search. ok after that

Hraði og úthald: good 

Nef: ok

Fjarlægðarstjórnun: very good line for the class

Staðsetningareiginleiki: Marks very well on both land and water

Skotstöðugleiki: stedy and concentrated

Sóknarvilji: a bit to much today. swop bird on search

Meðferð á bráð: ok

Vatnavinna: a bit hesitating first time, very well second time. 

Samstarfsvilji: ok

Hælganga: can improve, but ok for the class


A dog that marks very well today. Blind is also excellent. Swoping bird on the search gives the price today.

Einkunn: 0
Heiðursverðlaun: Nei

Dagseting: 4.6.2023

Dómari: Bjarne Holm

Prenta  Loka