Veiðipróf fyrir sækjandi veiðihunda.


Nafn og ættbókanúmer hunds: Bjargasteins Camilla IS12716/08

Metnir eiginleikar

Frjáls leit: Covered the area with good use of nose

Hraði og úthald: ok do day ok

Nef: Uses the nose well

Fjarlægðarstjórnun: For to day its ok

Staðsetningareiginleiki: Very good marker and goes fast directly out

Skotstöðugleiki: needs to be a little better handler, had to hold dog verbally.

Sóknarvilji: Very willing

Meðferð á bráð: Good

Vatnavinna: Swims well goes willing in water

Samstarfsvilji: for to day in is ok, heal ok to day, nice an steady



Good working dog showing good working abilities.

Einkunn: 1
Heiðursverðlaun: Nei

Dagseting: 11.7.2014

Dómari: Johnny Henriksen

Prenta  Loka