Veiðipróf fyrir sækjandi veiðihunda.


Nafn og ættbókanúmer hunds: Kolkuós Jara IS12823/09

Metnir eiginleikar

Frjáls leit: Searches very effectively and covers all area. The handler should think more about using the wind

Hraði og úthald: OK Good

Nef: Very good

Fjarlægðarstjórnun: Should be more distinctive - finished the task

Staðsetningareiginleiki: Very good marker, but no. 2 uncertain and needed assistance

Skotstöðugleiki: Good

Sóknarvilji: Good

Meðferð á bráð: Good deliveries

Vatnavinna: Good Willing to swim

Samstarfsvilji: Sould be improved



A dog showing good retrieving abilities, especially in very effective searching. Cooperation needs improvement.

Einkunn: 2
Heiðursverðlaun: Nei

Dagseting: 30.7.2011

Dómari: Morten Kjelland

Prenta  Loka