Veiðipróf fyrir sækjandi veiðihunda.


Nafn og ættbókanúmer hunds: Kolkuós Jökla Tinna IS12822/09

Metnir eiginleikar

Frjáls leit: Highly intensive, gives a very young impression. With more experience she will hunt the ground better.

Hraði og úthald: Very fast Strong

Nef: Good nose

Fjarlægðarstjórnun: She lacks education and understanding. She wants to please but she does not know how.

Staðsetningareiginleiki: Good marker

Skotstöðugleiki: I want her much more steady and calm

Sóknarvilji: Very spontaneous

Meðferð á bráð: Sloppy grips because she is in a hurry, Soft mouth and delivers to hand.

Vatnavinna: Strong swimmer Loves water

Samstarfsvilji: Needs a lot of of work with the heel work and the natural attitude to be close to the handler.



Young talented bitch with many good hunting behaviours. She is not fully educated for this class. With more education and much more work from the handler when it comes to the heel work she will have better success.

Einkunn: 3
Heiðursverðlaun: Nei

Dagseting: 31.7.2010

Dómari: Birgitta Staflund-Wiberg

Prenta  Loka