
Nafn og ættbókanúmer hunds: Hrísnes Dísel IS26604/19

almost 5 months, vg type, a bit narrow through, would like a bit more bone and subst., masc head, corr proportions, corr eyes and gentle expr, ex muzzle and bite, upright in shoulders, bit steep in upper arm, would like a bit more barrel shape ribs, and shorter loin, corr topline for age, bit rounded in croup, slightly low tailset, enough ang. in rear but would like more bend of stifle and slighly hocks, moves freely, balanced and well for his age, very happy boy with ex. temp, corr coat and text and ex handling. Lofandi

Dagseting: 28.9.2019

Dómari: Auður Sif Sigurgeirsdóttir

Einkunn: Sæti HV ME BR/BT MS Cacib V-Cacib Nuk V-Nuk BÖT BOB BOS TH BIS

Prenta  Loka