Prenta glugga  Loka glugga

Ættliður Nafn Ættbókarnúmer Kyn Síðasta augnskoðun Niðurstaða
1  Batman Forever Bella Mare IS33740/22 Rakki 26.10.2024 Engin merki um arfgenga augnsjúkdóma
2 PLCh Bruno Banani Bella Mare PKR31754 Rakki
3  Dickendall Buckstone Ez Rock AKCSR70668609 Rakki
4 GRCh Saddlehill Late Knight Scramble SR55452701 Rakki
4  Dickendall Buckstone Hipefull SR54232303 Tík
3 PLCh Should Not Sell Bella Mare PKR27662 Tík
4 USCh Tabatha´s Burly AKCSR13168703 Rakki
4 PLCh Can Not Sell Bella Mare pkr24982 Tík
2  Rain Or Shine Bella Mare Pkr38304 Tík
3  Hoffmann´s Stop And Stare AKCSR95060901 Rakki
4 USCh Zinfndel Lengley´s Big Papi AKCSR83714410 Rakki
4  Zinfndel Try Not To Stare SR83263908 Tík
3  Purple Rain Bella Mare (FCI) PKR.VIII-31032 Tík
4 CH-AM Anguk Black Ki-Bo (Anguiano) Mex.FCI. FCMM8027-A Rakki
4  Dickendall Buckstone Forsythia PKR.VIII-27654 Tík
1  Leynigarðs Ó Guðfinna IS29033/20 Tík 13.10.2023 Engin merki um arfgenga augnsjúkdóma
2  Goldy Okeanas Elite IS22125/16 Rakki 22.2.2019 Engin merki um arfgenga augnsjúkdóma
3 BALTJCh ESTJCh LVJCh LTJCh Rocheby Black Star LSKVLR2195/10 Rakki
4  Lindall Galileo for Rocheby KCAB03570901 Rakki
4  Libra D´or Sapphire Royal Blue At Rocheby KCAK091122 Tík
3 LTCh LTJCh Wiki Okeanas Elite LSVKLR2834/13 Tík
4 C.I.B. BaltCh RUSCh ESTCh LVCh LTCh BALTJCh Huckleberry Finn Gorska Fantazja LSVKLR0468/04 Rakki
4 C.I.B. RUSCh SLOCh CZCh LTCh LVCh ESTCh BYCh Kanga Gorska Fantazja LSVKLR1520/08 Tík
2  Leynigarðs Sumarnótt IS23695/17 Tík 03.11.2021 Engin merki um arfgenga augnsjúkdóma
3 ISSHCh Centenalee Warrior Rocheby IS23342/17 Rakki 22.06.2023 PHTVL/PHPV
4  Rocheby Town Cryer KCAP01394605 Rakki
4  Centenalee Lady Latia KC0523DB Tík
3  Leynigarðs Lexía IS15780/11 Tík 20.5.2016 Catarakt
4 PLJCH Dolbia Somebody Loves Me PKR.VIII-22899 Rakki 20.11.2010 Engin merki um arfgenga augnsjúkdóma
4  Leynigarðs Þula IS12105/08 Tík 17.2.2012 Engin merki um arfgenga augnsjúkdóma + Ath.